Participate in one of the League’s task forces
When you join a task force, you’ll learn, network, and help develop the League’s legislative platform on specific issues.
What are the task forces and what are their roles?
There are three task forces that work in conjunction with the League’s four legislative policy committees, discuss policy issues for their particular subject area, and then share recommendations with the LMC policy committees.
- The Elections Task Force makes recommendations to the LMC Improving Service Delivery Policy Committee.
- The Data Practices Task Force makes recommendations to the Human Resources and Data Practices Policy Committee.
- The Housing Task Force makes recommendations to the Improving Local Economies Committee
When and where are the meetings?
Task force meetings are usually held during the summer at the League building with a remote option. The 2023 meeting dates are TBD.
Who can be on a task force?
Current city officials and staff are eligible, including city council members, mayors, city administrators, assistant city administrators, clerks, human resource staff, municipal election officials, public safety staff, engineers, finance directors, economic development staff, and others. Committee members can be new to their city position, have many years of experience, or somewhere in between. Not all task force members are also members of LMC policy committees. While any member city may have more than one person serving on a committee, each city will have only one vote on policies or other committee business.
What benefits are there to serving on a task force?
It is a great way to become involved with the League, network, and learn about different ways of doing things. Task force members share and become aware of federal-level issues and associations. In addition, members are sometimes consulted or called upon during the legislative session for their particular expertise on an issue and service to the task force.
How do I join a task force?
Contact LMC’s IGR Administrative Coordinator Ted Bengtson at [email protected] or (651) 281-1242.